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Ace Cash

A cash advance is a loan from a payday lending company that is made for people who have immediate cash flow needs. There are lots of reasons that a person may need to get a payday loan. Emergencies arise all the time, and Ace Cash is there to help when they are needed the most. Perhaps your car has an unexpected problem, or you need money for your child's school event. A utility bill might need to be paid, or you find that you are out of groceries or diapers for the week. You may just need some extra cash to get you by until payday. Ace Cash understands that you may need money fast, and they don't care about the reason why. In fact, you will never be asked why you need money. They understand that things happen, and you may need some help until payday.

A payday loan is available in the amounts of $100 to $1,000, all depending on the state that you live in. There will be no credit check needed to get a cash advance loan through Ace Cash. Therefore, even if you have bad credit or no credit, you will still be eligible for a cash advance loan. With Ace Cash, there is no need to try and get a loan from a bank. With a bank, you may have to wait a week or more to know if you are approved for cash, and even then you may be denied the money you need. In addition, many people do not need to take out thousands of dollars in loans, and can suffice with just a few hundred until their next paycheck hits. That's what makes a cash advance a great choice for many people, from every walk of life.

There are currently 24 states that Ace Cash operates out of. You can go to their website at, download and fill out an application, and then take it into your nearest location. To find the one nearest you, simply click on the Store Locator tab. After you fill the application out, you can take it in and be approved in as little as 20 minutes. Alternatively, fill out an application in the store.

Ace Cash Ratings

3 Customer Reviews
Average Rating 3.6
  • Customer Service 4 of 5
  • Cost of Loan 3.3 of 5
  • Funded in Time 3.3 of 5
  • Would Use Again 3.7 of 5

Getting a cash advance loan from Ace Cash requires only a few items. You will need to have your most recent payroll check. If you receive government benefits on a regular basis, this will need to be shown. You must also have a valid checking account, and bring in a blank check. A recent bank statement is needed, as well as your phone bill and one utility bill. Bring all this, along with a valid photo ID, into your local Ace Cash, and turn it over with your application. Once you are approved for your cash advance loan, you will fill out the blank check for the amount of the loan you are borrowing, along with all applicable fees. Fees will vary according to the state you reside in, but generally are from $10 to $30 for every hundred that is borrowed. You will then walk out with the cash you need in hand. Your blank check is held by Ace Cash until your next payday, where it is then automatically deposited for withdrawal. You never have to do another thing; it is all done for you!

If you have problems paying back your cash advance, you may be eligible for an extension. If so, you will simply pay your current finance fees, and then the amount you borrowed will rollover to your next payday. It is important to remember, that you will be responsible for extra finance fees when the next payday comes.

Ace Cash wants to be there when you need money, and you need it fast. However, they are not a long-term solution to money problems, and suggest that you pay back a loan as quickly as possible. You may also be able to pay your cash advance off quicker, before your due date. By doing this, you can avoid the finance fee that you are being charged. Talk to your store's representative about details on paying your loan off early.

Additional Services

The best thing about Ace Cash is that they offer more than just a cash advance loan. At store locations around the country, you can find at least a dozen additional services, geared towards their customers and their everyday needs.

One such service is tax rebate cashing. Ace Cash is there to cash your tax checks when you need the money. Since not everybody has a bank account, it can be hard to cash a government check, no matter what kind of ID that you have. However, at Ace Cash this is not a problem. Also, when you cash your tax rebate check at Ace, you are eligible to receive a free ACE Prepaid debit card, as long as you put at least $250 onto it. With the all-access Visa debit card, you can add whatever amount of money that you want, and then use it at thousands of retailers all around the world. You will have the convenience of a credit card, but you won't have to worry about going over your limit or being charged horrific late fees. You decide how much you want to put on the card. You can also use your prepaid debit card to get cash out of ATM's all over the country when you need it, 24 hours a day. Now, you do not even have to go into your Ace Cash location to get a Visa card. Simply click to apply online at the website to be approved for yours today!

At Ace Cash, check cashing is also available for those who do not have a bank account, and may have trouble cashing their checks. Come in to cash your check today, no matter where it is from. Better yet, when you sign up for the ACE Gold Card you will earn reward points whenever you cash a check. These points will be good towards a variety of items, such as prepaid phone cards, $5 in cash, cashing free checks and even discounts annually on check cashing. Ace Cash cashes any type of check, from paychecks, personal, government, insurance, and third party. There also cash government checks, including refunds, as well as money orders and cashiers checks. Don't worry about the hassle of a bank; let ace cash fulfill your check cashing needs.

When you need to send or receive money fast, let Ace Cash handle your transactions using MoneyGram. MoneyGram is an electronic cash transfer company that allows you to send or receive cash almost instantly to over 125,000 places all around the world, including 160 different countries. You simply fill out an easy form, make a phone call to an operator, and within minutes you can send money to someone internationally. In addition, with MoneyGrams' complimentary 3-minute phone call, no matter what the long-distance charges are, your recipient will know right away that their money is waiting for them. It's fast, easy and reliable. MoneyGram is a safe and well-known money transferring company, who guarantees immediate results. Stop in at your local Ace Cash location today to use their service.

Ace Cash also offers their customers money orders at all of their locations. You can get one for any amount, all the way up to $1000. That is much more of a limit than you can get at your local post office or store! The fees vary depending on what state you live in and how much the money order is for. However, money orders are an easy way to pay bills or make purchases. That way, you do not need to worry about bouncing a check and over-drawing your checking account.

Different phone services are also offered at your local Ace Cash store. Pre-paid long distance phone cards are a great way to make a phone call, day and night, without having change on you. You can get them in many denominations here. If you need home phone service, have been shut off or have to pay a hefty re-connect fee, turn to Ace Cash for local service. You can purchase prepaid minutes for your home phone here. You can also pick up airtime for many different prepaid cell phone plans, including AT&T, Cingular Wireless, Verizon and more. Pay as you go, and never have to worry about a surprise bill again! You can also order prepaid phones from Ace Cash through their website at They offer the Rox Mobile. At 10 cents per minute, payable by buying prepaid cards, you'll have the ease and convenience of having a cell phone, but not the worry of paying the bill. You can also purchase one from any location.

Bill paying is another service that Ace Cash provides for their customers. You can pay your bills with over 100 companies, and for a low fee, too. These include popular companies such as Sprint, AT&T, Comcast, Capital One, and many more. Your bill will go through within days, and you will have the security of not having to depend on the postal mail. Paying your bills at Ace Cash is a great idea when your bill is due and you are faced with a shut off notice. In addition, the fees are comparable with a checking account fee or a money order, so you will save both time and money!

Do you need a new computer or TV, but do not have the cash or credit to get it? Then stop at Ace Cash, or go online, and apply for America's Purchase Plan. This plan is a service offered for people who have bad credit, but still need a home computer, either a laptop or desktop, or a new TV. You pick the computer or television set that you want, and start making weekly, bi-weekly, or twice a month payments. There is no credit check, and you can be approved almost instantly. You will pay on your new item for 12 months, at which time it is yours. Your payments will never vary, and you will have your computer or TV shipped to you right away. It is as simple as that! You may also call them at 1-888-550-5090 to talk to a professional customer service representative and get started now.

Car and Auto Loans

If you need an Automobile loan, but do not want to go to a dealer, then let Ace Cash help you out. By applying through their website, you will be matched up with the appropriate auto lender to meet your specific needs. There is no obligation, no cost, and the form is quick and easy. Apply now to find the loan that will fit your budget, and get you on the road fast.

If you reside in the state of Texas, you can now apply for a home loan through Ace Cash. There are two ways that you can apply. When you visit you can fill out their easy online form and submit it. Within 24 hours, you can be pre-qualified for a home loan. Alternatively, you can call their toll-free number at 1-866-389-2338 and get help from a customer service operator. Ace tries their best to get you a home loan, no matter what kind of down payment you have. You may also qualify with bad credit, or little credit. Refinancing is also an option with Ace Cash home loans. Click or call now to get started on owning your own home.

When you do any type of business with Ace Cash, your personal privacy is of the upmost importance. They will never sell or give away your name or private information. All information online is safe and secure, and encrypted for the best possible safety that there is. For more information, visit their website at You may also fill out an online application to be considered as an employee of Ace Cash. Simply go to "career opportunities" and search for an opening that will fit your needs and experience.