No Credit Check Cash Advance
Just about everyone has experienced the embarrassment of running out of cash with bills still outstanding and payday still several days away. It can get even worse when you are denied a regular cash advance to tide you over to payday. That's when a no credit check cash advance can come in handy. There is no need for the lender to do a credit check; you can apply and be approved online through our website at, and you can get the money you need quickly.The requirements for qualifying for a no credit check cash advance are simple. You must be a minimum of 18 years old, show proof of employment earning at least $1,000 per month, and have a valid checking account. If you meet these easy guidelines and have access to a computer with Internet capability, then you can apply at for a no credit check cash advance right now. Some lenders can make you wait up to five days to get your cash, but can have the money direct deposited into your checking account the next morning.
The amount you will be eligible to borrow with a cash advance will be determined by your own income and circumstances, but the average amount of a cash advance is $1,000. Rather than interest, a cash advance is generally subject to a set fee based on the borrowed amount. While it varies between lenders, the average range is $10 to $30 per each $100 of the advance given. For example, if you received a no credit check cash advance for $500 and you are being charged a fee of $10 per $100, the amount you pay back will be $550. This would be the $500 principal and a $50 fee for the cash advance service.
The usual term for a no credit check cash advance is 14 days, but lenders may extend the term if you encounter a problem paying it back on time. Generally, this will incur more fees for the customer. For example, you borrow $1,000 with a $100 fee, but you can't make the payment at the end of the 14-day term. The lender will often extend for another term, but you will need to pay the $100 fee then and another $100 at the end of the second 14-day period.
Lenders will often allow only one loan at a time per customer, but may allow you to increase the amount of the loan with a corresponding higher fee. Asking for extended terms or increased loans too often could find your lender requesting you to be on a payment schedule. If you find yourself needing frequent extensions on your cash advance terms, you may need to reevaluate your financial circumstances.
If you experience a sudden financial crisis such as a necessary car repair or an unexpected bill, don't let your credit history keep you from accessing the cash you need. With a no credit check cash advance, you can easily get the money you need to help with your emergency money needs. You can have peace of mind knowing that a cash advance is still an available option for you.