30 Day Cash Advance
Even though most cash advances available allow you to repay the loan in 14 days, the 30 day cash advance is good for a situation if you are only paid once a month. You should be aware that there will be higher fees, as the amount of time for you to repay the cash advance will be longer.Amounts For 30 Day Cash Advances
Generally, the money borrowed for a 30 day cash advance can be in the range of $200 to $1,000. There are cash advances available where you can borrow more money, if you are qualified, and this will depend on your income and when you can repay the cash advance. If you need in excess of $1,000, it may be a good idea to look into obtaining a personal loan rather than a cash advance.
One of the most common questions that people ask is how soon will the money from the cash advance be in their personal bank account. This will depend on the cash advance company, but even though many lenders take up to 5 business days to release the funds, we work closely with lenders that will get you the money into your bank account in as little as 24 hours.
One of the main reasons why people get a 30 day cash advance is that you can obtain one even if your credit is not good. The reason for this is that to obtain a 30 day cash advance, a credit check is not performed.
Another question that people ask is how soon do I have to pay back a 30 day cash advance? The answer to this will depend on your payment schedule. People that are paid once a month will not have a problem qualifying for a 30 day cash advance. If you are paid every 2 weeks, it means that you have to take out a common 14 day cash advance and then renew it.
Many people are under the assumption that they will not qualify for a 30 day cash advance after they apply for one. However, if they are paid once a month, make in excess of $1,000 every month, are a United States citizen, over 18 years of age, and have an active checking account, they will qualify for a 30 day cash advance.
When taking out a 30 day cash advance, you will discover that there are fees applied to the amount of money borrowed. There will be a certain fee for every $100 borrowed, which will be renewed at the end of each pay period until the cash advance is paid in full. The fees can range from $10 to $30, or even more, but you need to remember that these rates are usually for a 14 day cash advance; therefore, the chances that they will be higher for a 30 day cash advance are good.
There are not any restrictions on what you can use the money for, but usually you can only take out one cash advance at a time. If you discover that you have to take out quite a few cash advances, it may be advantageous to you to look into other ways to remedy your cash flow problem.